This displays some design and illustration work I have done for
companies or self employed work.
Self Employed Work
Small Business Owner

Since December 2022 I have run my own online shop Galaxyon where I sell handmade jewellery, accessories, stickers and prints. This experience has encouraged me to improve my understanding of marketing to a target audience and how to effectively organise my time. It has allowed me to engage with a broader audience and strengthen my communications skills to ensure my customers get the best experience possible. It has also encouraged me to become more creative with taking interesting photos and videos of my content and have familiarised myself with Adobe Lightroom where I edit my final pictures.
Aside from my website, I mainly post my content on Instagram @galaxyon.studio

Artist Alley Table
I have been attending conventions such as Overload NZ, Armageddon and Smash since late 2022. My art comes in the form of art prints, acrylic charms, stickers and handmade jewellery and charms. Check out more of my illustration work here.

Commission Art
I've taken commissions for my digital art since 2020 and still to this day. I generally get commissioned to draw specific people or original characters. This requires a lot of communication with the client and regular feedback on the initial sketch to ensure their vision is portrayed to the best of my ability.



2023 Good Health Design Internship

From November 2022 - February 2023 I worked alongside a team off 3 people to create medical icons that would accompany medical terms/ definitions on a pamphlet. In our small team, organised weekly meetings to discuss and develop our icons. We went through the process of asking a diverse group of people if they could identify the icon without text to test if the visuals were clear enough. From this, we made multiple iterations until we drew the final design in Adobe Illustrator.
Fortunately all the hard work that was put into this project was recognised by Best Design Awards and won a Bronze Award

2021 South Seas Youth Advisory Group
This is a group that was formed under South Seas Healthcare that aimed to bring local Youth together to share and discuss issues concerning the community. One of the main things we organised was a summit event that included MPs, local celebrities and speakers to inspire or inform the youth. I was also in charge of their design related jobs such as creating the summit poster.

2020 Bubblegum Project
A 10 week project (under South Seas Healthcare) that was established in response to COVID-19 to help pacific youth. My main role was in the marketing team where we advertised our services and big summit event. I was also in charge of designing assets for the summit (lanyards, schedules, signs) and creating their Mascot 'Bubba' accompanied by short comics.


Bubba is a mascot I designed for Bubblegum which is utilised when targeting young children. Some projects I did with her character is draw posters that corresponded to the 6 main COVID-19 tips from 2020. These were then turned into colouring sheets to include in a kids pack. Another project I did was create short comics that again corresponded to the COVID-19 tips to help young children understand how to stay safe.